
Tag: xcode

Changing the Application Language in AppCode

When developing apps that support multiple languages I used to set the system language in the iOS Simulator settings, which required a complete reboot of the simulator. I then discovered the Application Language setting when editing build schemes in XCode under the Options tab.

Unfortunately, AppCode doesn’t have this option (or maybe I just didn’t find it). But an easy workaround is to choose Edit Configurations… in AppCode and specifying the following as Program Arguments:

-AppleLanguages (de)

where “de” specifies the language, in this case German, although “German” or “de_DE” will also work.

To easily switch between different languages, you can copy the configuration for each language and set the corresponding language code.

Collapsed Circle List View

For a current project we needed a small view that shows multiple circles with reactions in them. Those circles should have a white border and they should overlap. The view is IBInspectable/Designable and you can set the circle border color, circle border width, and the offset factor.

You can find the project here (the ReactionListView).

Grid View Component for iOS

I’m a huge fan of the new UIStackView in iOS 9, but for one of my projects I did need a view that has a fixed grid layout. It would be completely possible to build this with a collection view or stack views, but I’ve decided to build my own little view.

You can find a zip containing the project here or you can take a look at the source code here.

iOS 7 Launch Status Bar Color

Xcode hasn’t got the ‘Light Content’-statusbar style in the drop-down menu at the moment. For one of my apps I have a mainly black launch image you could only see the battery sign, nothing else. So to get your App to start with a white statusbar you need to enter UIStatusBarStyleLightContent manually into the Info.plist.

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 17.54.05

Setting up a File Type for your Mac App

As I often have problems setting up a custom filetype for my Document-Based Applications I decided to write a short tutorial on how to do it (actually just one image). You just need to enter most of the information twice, once for the Document Type and once for the Exported UTI.
Look at those two lists for what types you have to choose:
List of Uniform Type Identifiers
Wikipedia Article about MIME (including common types)


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